Product Improvement
Product improvement is an essential part of food industry. Through product improvement a food brand can make meaningful product innovations and changes that can result in creating new customers or will encompass increased benefits realized by existing customers.

Recipe Development
As the market is getting more and more competitive and vibrant there is a strong need and desire to come with innovative and new recipes which are well accepted by and large by the end consumers. The specialized team of Food Cognizant assists you by creating some alluring recipes for your existing and prospective clientele. We well keep in mind the regulatory sensitivities and develop any kind of recipe that suits your marketing needs to achieve your business goals.
Packaging Development
Product packaging is not only a cosmetic or a visual delight but also most vital for protecting the contents of a package. It’s also a very efficient contributor as a sales canvas to promote the product’s attributes and benefits. It’s always been our tireless and creative effort to present viable solutions to protect foods against physical, chemical and environmental factors that could possibly contaminate all of the food.
Food Cognizant has been working towards customized and creative printed packaging and displays, providing high quality design, production and fulfillment for all printed packaging needs.

Shelf life enhancement
The most important factor for shelf life evaluation of food is safety, followed by quality including physical, chemical and sensorial properties. Manufacturers are faced with challenges in determining and maximizing the shelf life of products that are exposed to varying conditions in the supply chain. This being a critical part in business line team Food Cognizant leaves no stone unturned to assist and advice on the industry methodology and processes to our esteemed clientele on the same.
Packaging Design & Development
In case of Food Packaging, there is nothing as one-size-fits-all packaging solution that is why as per customer requirements regarding image, product protection, handling, storage, transport and environment, we design & develop the complete packaging solutions made to fit your products and your distribution chain using a structured process with focus on packaging and logistic cost optimization.