
Imparting food safety trainings and certifications has always been a forte of Food
Cognizant. Our qualified team is well equipped to identify, prepare and execute training programs as per the industry requirements. Also, tailor made trainings are developed for our clients to suit their business purpose.

FoSTaC (Food Safety Training & Certification) is a large-scale training program for the food business operators. FSSAI had mandated FoSTaC training to all food businesses having Central Licenses or State Licenses. The requirement is to have at least one FoSTaC trained and certified food safety supervisor for every 25 food-handlers or part thereof on all their premises. Food Cognizant is an authorized training part

Under Food Safety Modernization Act, it is mandatory for an organization supplying food products to US to have FSMA compliant food safety plan to be created & managed by Preventive Control Qualified Individual (PCQI). This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by US FDA which on successful completion is one way to meet the requirements for PCQI. This 20 hour course is imparted by FSPCA trained Lead Instructor.

Awareness & Internal Audit Trainings

We provide awareness as well as Internal auditor training on various standards such as HACCP, ISO 22000 2018, FSSC 22000 V5 etc. These trainings are designed to give in depth knowledge to food professionals on various globally recognized standards hence honing their professional skills which are not only beneficial to organization but also a value add to individuals. Our internal auditor course makes you competent auditor to comply with internal auditing requirement.

GMP Trainings

Our easy to understand training with general examples and simple language give us an upper hand to deal with food handlers at shop floor level. This basic food safety training imparts long term effectiveness leading to competent and creates awareness among food handlers.

Training Request Form