Quality Outsourcing

Food Cognizant can be a reliable support to provide technical skill if its unavailable within the organization. Outsourcing task, in case of not having appropriate resources, not only reduces responsibility but also allows organization to focus on core competencies, especially in case of start- ups.

Onsite QA/QC Service

Small organizations or start ups where food safety & quality team is a must to create brand reputation and gain customer’s trust but could not be easily available due to high resource cost or attrition due to external competition. In such situations, we come in foray and provide onsite professionals who will not only set your QC/QA system but also give you reliable backing of expertise at nominal cost.  This service can be availed by any food business operators including corporate kitchen where food safety is not a core function however it is must considering the staff health who avail cafeteria service.

Outsourced PCQI

Food Cognizant can provide food safety experts, trained in US FDA FSMA regulations and fulfilled the requirement of Preventive Control Qualified Individual (PCQI).The Preventive Controls for Human Food rule states the responsibilities of a PCQI as to oversee or create Food Safety Plan, validate preventive controls, review records within 7 working days, re-analyze Food Safety Plan and other related activities that deems appropriate to food. PCQI manages important aspects of the food safety program and ensures that preventive controls are effective and proper records are maintained.